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おい!言う!JUMP ( HSJまたはJUMP ) は、日本のタレント事務所Johnny & Associates所属の 8 人組の日本人 ボーイズ バンドです。グループは 2 つのサブグループに分割されます。言う!BESTとHey!言う!7. 日本では 1,000 万部以上の物理コピーを販売しました。




2007 年 4 月 3 日のKAT-TUNスプリング コンサートで、高木裕也、有岡大貴、山田涼介、中島裕翔、知念侑李が一時グループ Hey! 言う!7. 名前は、メンバー全員が生まれた平成とグループ結成年である2007年にちなみます。

2007 年 6 月 16 日、Hey! 言う!7 は8 月 1 日にシングルとして「 Hey! Say! 」をリリースします。言う!JUMPのシングル。この曲とシングルのB面「ボンボン」は、アニメラブリーコンプレックスの2番目のオープニングとクロージングのテーマとして使用されました. シングルは初週で12万520枚を売り上げ、男性グループとしては最年少でオリコンシングルチャート1位を獲得。

9月24日、Hey!言う!ジャニーズJr.から薮宏太、伊野尾慧、八乙女光、岡本圭人、森本龍太郎の7人が参加。10 人のメンバーのグループは、5 人の 2 つのサブグループに編成され、古いメンバーが Hey! を形成しました。言う!HEY!のBESTと後輩メンバー 言う!7。



12月22日にデビューコンサート「Debut Concert いきなり!」を開催。東京ドームで。平均年齢は15.7歳で、東京ドームでの最年少公演となった。2008 年 4 月 30 日にコンサート DVD がリリースされました。

5月21日には3rdシングル「Dreams Come True 」をリリースし、オリコンチャート1位を獲得。 2008年7月、グループの4枚目のニューシングル「Your Seed」がアニメ映画カンフーパンダの日本公開のタイトル曲として使用されることが発表された.


全員集合ツアー終了後、ジュニア部門 Hey! 言う!7 は、 Hey!という最初のコンサート シリーズを開催しました。言う!7 スプリングコンサート 09 MONKEY . これに続いて、グループ全体がコンサートHey!言う!ジャンプコンサートツアー2009年春。セカンドコンサートDVD、Hey! 言う!JUMP-ing Tour '08–'09は、2009 年 4 月にリリースされました。


グループは2010年7月7日にファーストアルバムJump No. 1をリリースした.12月15日にシングル「ありがとう(世界のどこにいても)」をリリースした. オリコンシングルチャート1位を獲得し、初日で64,206枚のアルバムを売り上げた。[矛盾] [要出典]



2011年6月、未成年の森本龍太郎の喫煙写真が流出し、グループは物議をかもした。写真について尋ねられたとき、彼は「大丈夫だった」と「大したことはない」と答えた. 事件を受けて、ジャニーズエンターテインメントは翌日、謝罪の声明を発表し、モリモトの無期限活動停止を計画した. ジャニーズ事務所の公式ウェブサイトから森本のプロフィールが削除された後、ジャニー喜多川は森本が勉強に専念したいという野心を持っていると述べ、彼がグループに戻る可能性を否定した.


2011年9月21日、森本の活動休止後初となる9枚目のシングル「 Magic Power」をリリース。「マジックパワー」は、メンバーの山田と知念が不器用なスマーフとブレイニースマーフの声を提供したスマーフの日本語吹き替えのテーマとして使用されました。


グループは、2012 年 3 月から 6 月にかけて、台湾、タイ、韓国、日本で初のアジア コンサート ツアーを開催しました。しかし、3月15日、香港での公演が5月まで延期され、バンコク公演が理由不明でキャンセルされることが発表された。 ツアーは5月3日に横浜アリーナでスタート

2月22日に10枚目のシングル「Super Delicate 」をリリースし、理装の娘の主題歌に起用された。

3月22日、ジャニー喜多川がプロデュース・演出を務める新作ミュージカル「ジャニーズワールド」が、2012年11月に帝国庭園劇場で上演されることが発表された。言う!JUMPをメインキャストに、 Kis-My-Ft2、Sexy Zone、ABC-Z、ジャニーズJr. など100名が出演し、ゲスト出演は亀梨和也、滝沢秀明、堂本光一。

4月25日、グループは「ありがとう(世界のどこにいても)」以降のシングルで、セカンドアルバム「 JUMP World」をリリースすることを発表した.

2012 年末、山田涼介が 2013 年 1 月 9 日にシングル「ミステリー ヴァージン」でソロ デビューすることが発表されました。 2012 年 12 月 26 日にデジタル ダウンロード。

2013–2014: S3art , Live with Meとショー

JUMPが全国ツアー「Hey! 言う!2013年4月から8月にかけて、JUMP全国へJUMP Tour 2013を開催。2013年にリリースしたシングル「Come On A My House」「Ride with Me」はいずれもオリコンチャート1位を記録。後者は、2014年の金田一少年の事件簿の続編の主題歌であり、山田が彼の役割を再演した.


グループのメンバーによる他の演技出演には、ドラマ「金田一少年の事件簿NEO 」の山田と有岡、水球ヤンキースの中島と高木、Dr.DMATとHAMUの高木も出演しています。山田、中島のドラマ主題歌「 Weekender/明日へのエール」を両A面シングルとしてリリースし、オリコンチャート1位を獲得。

グループの3枚目のアルバムS3ARTは、リリースされた週のオリコンチャートで1位になりました. グループは、アルバムHey!言う!東京ドーム公演を含むJUMP Live Tour 2014 S3ART 。

2015年:JUMPing Car、「Chau#」、いただきハイJUMP、24時間テレビ、JUMPing CARnival、「きみアトラクション」

2015年、グループは「いただきハイジャンプ」という最初のテレビ番組を開始し、別のジャニーズグループであるジャニーズウエストと一緒にリトル東京ライフを主催しました. 彼らはまた、24 時間テレビのメインパーソナリティでもありました。


映画コロ センセーションの イメージ ソング に 起用 され た シングルセンセーションを リリース。シングル「 Chau#/我 I Need You」「Kimi Attraction」、4枚目のアルバム「JUMPing Car 」に続いてオリコンチャート1位を獲得。彼らはHey! というタイトルのツアーでアルバムを宣伝しました。言う!JUMP LIVE TOUR 2015 JUMPing CARnival に出演し、毎年恒例のジャニーズカウントダウンコンサートを生放送でコラボ。



おい!言う!JUMPがサブユニットSensationsとして復活し、映画主題歌「さよならセンセーション」をリリース。山田さん主演の映画『暗殺教室 卒業』の主題歌として公開されました。

シングル「マジサンシャイン」もリリース。オリコン初週1位を記録し、グループのコーセーコスメポート化粧品のCMにも起用された。彼らはフジテレビのFNS 27Hour Festivalのメインパーソナリティの 1 人であり、Inooはメイン MC の 1 人でした。この間、彼らのショー「いただきハイジャンプ」は、 Kis-My-Ft2のショー「キスマイブサイク」とクロスオーバーし、2 つのグループがさまざまな活動で競い合いました。

7 月 27 日、グループは 5 枚目のアルバムDearをリリースし、初日に 141,079 枚を売り上げました。 オリコン週間アルバムチャート1位を獲得。アルバムをサポートするために、7月28日に大阪城ホールでHey!言う!JUMP LIVE TOUR 2016 DEAR . 10月26日には、アニメ「タイムボカン24」のオープニングテーマに起用されたニューシングル「Fantastic Time 」をリリース。

12月14日、メンバー山田主演のドラマ「カインとアベル」で使用されたニューシングル「Give Me Love 」をリリース。それは[誰によって?]人生の悩みと愛についてのメロウなR&Bソングとして。


グループの 10 周年を記念して、グレイテスト ヒッツ アルバムHey! 言う!JUMP 2007-2017 I/Oは 2017 年 7 月 26 日にリリースされ、最初の 10 年間のシングル 23 曲すべてをフィーチャーしています。




  • Kota Yabu (薮 宏太, born January 31, 1990)
  • Yuya Takaki (髙木 雄也, born March 26, 1990)
  • Kei Inoo (伊野尾 慧, born June 22, 1990)
  • 八乙女光(やおとめひかる、 1990年12月2日生まれ)
  • 有岡大貴(有岡大貴、1991年4月15日生)


  • Ryosuke Yamada (山田 涼介, born May 9, 1993)
  • Yuto Nakajima (中島 裕翔, born August 10, 1993)
  • Yuri Chinen (知念 侑李, born November 30, 1993)

詳細について 北野武

2018.4-: TNgon
-2018.3: Office Kitano
Office Kitano Inc. is a Japanese talent management company founded by Mr. Kitano in February 1988.

In 2015, Kitano established TN Gon (TN Gon Co., Ltd., TN Gon Co., Ltd.)

In March 2018, Kitano left Office Kitano and became independent. Accordingly, the company changed its name to TAP on January 1, 2020.
as a director
Violent Cop (1989)
Boiling Point (1990)
Seascape (1991)
Sonatine (1993)
Do You Get Anything? (1995)
Kids Return (1996)
Fireworks (1997)
Kikujiro (1999)
Brother (2000)
Doll (2002)
Zatoichi (2003) Takeshino
Glory to the filmmakers!
Outrage (2010)
Beyond Outrage (2012)
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen (2015)
Outrage Coda (2017)
as an actor
Go, Go, Second Virgin (1969)
Shinjuku Mad (1970)
Makoto (1980)
Dump Migratory Birds (1981)
Manon (1981)
Sukkiri…Sono Kite (1981)
Secret of Summer (1982)
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983)
10th Floor Mosquito (1983)
Joke in a sad mood (1985)
Yaksha (1985)
Comic magazine (1986)
Sister (1988)
Violent Cop (1989)
Boiling Point (1990)
Settsuna Kimono, It's Love (1990)
Inheriting the Stars ( 1990) )
Legend of Confusion (1992)
Dioxins from fish! (1992)
Erotic Liaison (1992)
Silver Ball (1992)
Sonatine (1993)
Birth of Oyasama (1993)
Do You Get Anything? (1995)
Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
Gonin (1995)
Fireworks (1997)
Tokyo Eyes (1998)
Kikujiro (1999)
Taboo (1999)
Relics of Chivalry Reverberation (1999)
Brother (2000)
Battle Royale (2000)
Battle Royale: Special Edition (2001)
Zatoichi (2003)
Battle Royale II: Requiem (2003)
Izo (2004)
Blood and Bone (2004)
Golden Cup One More Time (2004)
Takeshino (2005)
Araki Mentari (2005)
Glory to the filmmakers! (2007)
Counterattack of Monster X/Attack on the G8 Summit (2008) - Bumajin
Achilles and the Tortoise (2008)
Outrage (2010)
Dear (2012)
Beyond Outrage (2012)
Ryuzo 7 (2015)
Mozu (2015)
While the Women Were Sleeping (2016)
Ghost in the Shell (2017) - Chief Daisuke Aramaki
Outrage Coda (2017)
tv set
One Night with a Thousand Stars (1980–1981)
Manzai (1980–1982)
We Hyokinzoku ( 1981–1989) Bakumatsu
Youth Graffiti: Ryoma Sakamoto (1982), Dodo Yamauchi Smile Pon
! –1996) Takeshi's Castle (1986–1989) TV tackle (1989–present) Heisei Board of Education (1991-1997) Anyone Picasso (1997–present) A miracle! Ambiliba Bow (1997–present) This is weird Japanese (1998– ) 2002)

Musashi (2003)
Quiz $ Millionaire (2009)
Fuji TV late-night broadcast series (1991-)
Takeshi Kitano Fan Club
Kitano Fuji
Adachi Ward, Kitano
Saito Shingu Store
Kitano Talent Directory
Takeshi Kitano Presents Comanechi University Mathematics

Red Medaka (2015)
Prison Break (2017)
Idaten (2019), Kokontei Shinsho V
Two Motherlands (2019), Hideki Tojo
All Night Nippon by Beat Takeshi (1981–1990)
Beatnik Radio (1997–2000)
Beat Takeshi's Literature Night Talk (NRN)
international men's friendship book show
Gerow, Aaron (2007). Takeshi Kitano. British Film Institute. ISBN 978-1-84457-166-6.
Abe, Casio (2005). ISBN 1-885030-40-1 .
Kitano, T. (1988). Asakusa Kid. Japan: Shinchosha.
Kitano, T. (1998).
Septième Art . ISBN 2869596197.
Kitano, T. (2005). Naissance d'un Gourou . Edition de Noel. ISBN 2207254917.
Kitano, T. (2008). La Vie en gris et rose . Philippe Pikier. ISBN 978-2809700220.
Kitano, T. (2012). boy. Wombat. ISBN 978-2919186136.
video game
as a designer
Takeshi's Korean War (1986)
as an actor
Yakuza 6 Song of Life (2016)
Hidetsugu Tomita (December 3, 2016). "Finale from Outrage". GQ Japan.
Kirkup, James (November 23, 1998). "Obituary: Nagaharu Yodogawa" Independent. Archived from the original on May 26, 2022. Retrieved July 19, 2009.
"Такеши Китано » Arthouse.Ru" (Russian). Archived from the original on 2013-10-04. Retrieved October 2, 2013.
"Beat Takeshi Hollywood Retrospective Interview" . July 26, 2008. Retrieved December 13, 2015.
Schilling, Mark (2003). Yakuza Film Book: His Guide to His Gangster Movies in Japan, Stonebridge Press. pp.73–76. ISBN 1-880656-76-0. Archived from the original on October 17, 2007.
"French-za, the birthplace of post-war pop culture, permeates the suppleness of Asakusa" . The Japan Times. November 19, 2015. Retrieved December 13, 2015.
Would you like to get something? DVD Cheyenne Films EDV1040, France, published 2003
"pacific saury, Tamori and Takeshi co-host Nippon Television's comedy special" . Today in Japan. November 4, 2008. Retrieved December 13, 2015.
"Interview with Takeshi Kitano" . AV Club. August 11, 2004. Retrieved December 13, 2015. [bare URL image file]
"A Scene at the Sea (1991) – Awards".IMDb.Retrieved February 5, 2012.
Kitano quoted in Lee Server, Asian Pop Cinema, op. Citation, p. See also 82 or Senses of Cinema article
"Johnny Mnemonic (1995)". IMDb. May 26, 1995. Retrieved January 6, 2015.
"Midnight Eye Interview: Takeshi Kitano" Midnight November 5, 2003. Retrieved December 13, 2015.
Williams, Eliza (March 17, 2010). “Creative Review – Cartier Defeats Takeshi Kitano in His Fondation.” Creative Review. Archived from the original on 29 April 2014. Retrieved December 24, 2012.
Bradshaw, Peter (May 17, 2010). "Cannes Film Festival: Countdown to Zero, Maid, Screaming Man, Outrage" . The Guardian.
"Outrage: Interview with Takeshi Kitano" . Denki Sheep Magazine. December 6, 2011. Retrieved December 13, 2015.
Chan, Justin (September 2, 2012). "Outrage Beyond". variety.
Seeb, Ronnie (September 17, 2012). "Darling" . Variety.
McNab, Jeffrey (September 5, 2012). "Takeshi Kitano is considering the production of 'Outrage' 3rd" . Screen Daily. Retrieved July 1, 2013.
Bressdale, John (2013). “Yakuza Game,” Cinespect, August 10, 2013.
Martin, Michael (September 28, 2015). "First Look at Yakuza 6 for PS4" .IGN. Retrieved January 26, 2016.
"Defeat Takeshi and appear in Scarlett Johansson's 'Ghost in the Shell'" Variety. March 3, 2016. Retrieved April 11, 2016.
"Hollywood Ghost in the Shell Movie Finally Has a Japanese Actor: Beat Takeshi" Kotaku. March 3, 2016. Retrieved April 11, 2016.
"30th Moscow International Film Festival (2008)" . Miff. Archived from the original on 2014-04-03. Retrieved June 2, 2013.
"Kitano Honors French Art". The Japan Times. March 11, 2010. Retrieved June 6, 2010.
"Takeshi Kitano wins the Special Achievement Award at the 24th Italian Film Festival Japan Inside" . May 1, 2022. Retrieved September 15, 2022.
"71-year-old Takeshi independent! Leaving Office Kitano amicably at the end of this month, restarting with new company `` TN Gon'' . Sankei Sports. March 15, 2018. Retrieved March 10, 2021.
Schilling, Mark (13 March 2018). "Takeshi Kitano, retired from the company Kitano office" . Variety. Retrieved May 23, 2022.
"The 35th International Emmy Award Nominations" .
Larimer, Tim (February 12, 2001). "The Beat Goes On" . Time Asia. roll. 157, no. 6. Archived from the original on 2001-04-14. Retrieved November 8, 2021.
External link
Takeshi Kitano Official Site
Takeshi Kitano on IMDb
Japanese Film Database Takeshi Kitano
Davis, Bob (2003). ′′ Takeshi Kitano ′′ . The feeling of the movie. Retrieved January 1, 2016.
Films directed by Takeshi Kitano
Violent Police (1989) Boiling Point (1990) Sea Scene (1991) Sonatine (1993) Do You Get Anything? (1995) Kids Return (1996) Fireworks (1998) Kikujiro (1999) Brother (2000) Doll (2002) Zatoichi ( 2003) Takeshino (2005) Glory to the filmmakers! (2007) Achilles and the Turtle (2008) Outrage (2010) Beyond Outrage (2012) Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen (2015) Outrage Coda (2017)
Takeshi Kitano Award Takeshi Kitano Award
Marrakech International Film Festival Award for Best Director
Fernando Meirelles (2002) Takeshi Kitano (2003) Gianluca and Massimiliano de Serio (2011) Andrea Pallaolo (2013) Ognien Gravonic (2018)

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Takeshi Kitano (Kitano Takeshi, Kitano Takeshi, born January 18, 1947) is a Japanese comedian, television host, actor, filmmaker and author. He is known primarily as a comedian and TV host in his native Japan, but is better known abroad for his work as a filmmaker, actor and TV host. Except for his work as a film director, he is commonly known by the nickname Beat Takeshi (beat Takeshi, Beat Takeshi).

Takeshi Kitano
Kitano rose to fame in the 1970s as one half of the comedy duo Two Beat before going solo and becoming one of the top three comedians in the country. After a few small acting roles, he made his directorial debut in 1989's Violent Cops and gained international acclaim with Sonatine (1993). He was not widely accepted as an accomplished director in Japan until Hanabi won the Golden Lion Award in 1997. commonly known. Battle Royale (2000)

He has received critical acclaim for his distinctive film work, with Japanese film critic Nagaharu Yodogawa once calling him the "true successor" of influential filmmaker Akira Kurosawa, with numerous has won awards. Many of Kitano's works deal with yakuza and police. Described by critics as using a very deadpan acting style or an almost still camera style, Kitano cuts quickly to long takes where little seems to be happening, or the aftermath of an event. Editing is often used. Many of his films are dark, yet full of humor and love of characters.

life and career
early life
Takeshi Kitano was born in Adachi Ward, Tokyo, and had two older brothers and one older sister. His father worked as a house painter.Kitano reveals that he lived like a yakuza.In his working-class neighborhood, children respect baseball players and yakuza. , many of his neighbors were yakuza. In 1972 he became a comedian in the district. While working as an elevator operator at the French-za strip club in Asakusa, he apprenticed himself to comedian Senzaburo Fukami and later became a theater host.

In the 1970s, he formed a comedy duo with his friend Kiyoshi Kaneko. His stage names are Beat Takeshi and Beat Kiyoshi. Together they call themselves Two Beat (Tsū Bīto, sometimes romanized as "The Two Beats"). This kind of duo, known in Japan as manzai, his comedy is usually characterized by large amounts of high-speed exchanges between the two performers. Kiyoshi played a straight guy (tsukkomi) to Takeshi's weird guy (boke)). In 1976, they made their first television appearance and were successful, catapulting their act onto the national stage. The reason for their popularity had a lot to do with Kitano's material, which was far more dangerous than traditional manzai. Some of Kitano's jokes were censored and offensive dialogue was edited out due to complaints to the broadcaster. Kitano confirmed in a video interview that he was banned from accessing NHK studios for five years because he exposed his body during a show that was completely banned.

Two Beat was one of the most successful bands of the late 1970s and early 1980s, but Kitano decided to go solo and the duo broke up. Kitano is said to be one of Japan's "comedy talents" along with pacific saury Akashiya and Tamori. Some autobiographical elements related to his manzai career can be seen in the 1996 film The Kids Returns. Beat Kiyoshi has a bit of a role as "Man at the Bus Stop" in Kitano's 1999 film Kikujiro. Takeshi's Castle was a game show hosted by Kitano in the 1980s that featured a slapstick his-style physical contest. It was broadcast in the United States a few years later under the title Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, with Takeshi renamed "Vic Romano".

Also see

Many of Kitano's routines involved portraying gangsters and other harsh characters. Kitano said he was invited out for drinks with the yakuza after hanging out at a comedy club, and that the yakuza would talk about crime bosses. His first major film role in Nagisa Oshima's Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (cast as a tough POW camp sergeant during World War II opposite Tom Conti, Ryuichi Sakamoto and David Bowie). I sneaked into a movie screening to see how the audience accepted him as a serious actor rather than a comedian. I vowed to stick to the serious and dark characters of

In 1986, Kitano worked as a consultant and partial designer on the Family Computer video game Takeshi's Challenge (translated as Takeshi's Challenge). The first Japanese celebrity to appear in several commercials promoting its release. Takeshi no Chosenjo and its development was the subject of the first episode of GameCenter CX, a game variety show hosted by Osaka comedian Shinya Arino. .

In 1988, he published his memoir "Asakusa Kid". He has also published many novels and other books translated into French. After several other acting roles, mostly comedies, in 1989 he was cast as the lead in Violent Cop. When director Kinji Fukasaku stepped down citing scheduling conflicts with Kitano, the distributor suggested that the comedian direct it at his own pace because of Kitano's commitment to television. A major rewrite of the script, this marked the beginning of Kitano's career as a filmmaker.
1990–2000: Film ratings
Kitano's second film as a director and first as a screenwriter was Boiling Point (3-4X10 October), released in 1990. sudden violence

Kitano's third film, Seascape, released in 1991, follows a deaf garbage collector who decides to learn to surf after finding a broken surfboard. Kitano's more delicate and romantic side comes to the fore here, along with his trademark deadpan approach. The film garnered numerous nominations and awards, including the prestigious Blue Ribbon Award for Best Film. He also began a long-term collaboration with composer Joe Hisaishi, which lasted until 2002.

1993's Sonatine did poorly in Japan, but was critically acclaimed in Europe when it was screened at the 1993 Cannes Film Festival. sent to help. He is fed up with gang life and when he finds out the whole mission is a ruse, he welcomes anything that comes his way with open arms.All his four films are from the 1994 It was screened at the 2015 London Film Festival.

In August 1994, Kitano was involved in a motorcycle accident, sustaining injuries that caused partial paralysis of the right side of his face. Kitano created Kids Return in 1996, shortly after his recovery.

Released in 1995, Getting Any? This plane! Gatherings like comedy scenes loosely centered around Walter Mitty-type characters trying to have sex in cars received little acclaim in Japan. It satirizes popular Japanese culture, such as the Zatoichi character played by Kitano himself later in the year. That year, Kitano also starred in William Gibson's 1995 film adaptation of Johnny Mnemonic, credited under the moniker "Takeshi". Although his on-screen time was significantly reduced in the American cut of the film.

After a motorcycle accident, Kitano started painting. His paintings have been published as books, featured in gallery exhibitions, soundtracks to his films and have graced the covers of many of his albums. His paintings were featured prominently in the 1997 acclaimed film Fireworks. For many years Kitano's biggest audience was the foreign arthouse crowd, but Hanabi cemented his position internationally as one of Japan's foremost contemporary filmmakers. was not a huge success, but won the Golden Lion Award at the 1997 Venice International Film Festival. Kitano himself said that it was only after winning the award that he was accepted as a full-fledged director in Japan. His films were considered just a hobby for the famous comedian.

Among his most significant acting roles was Nagisa Oshima's 1999 film Taboo, where he played Captain Toshizo Hijikata of the Shinsengumi. , Kitano ended up paired with a boy looking for his mother, and teamed up with a boy looking for his mother,

From 1998 to 2002, he hosted the weekly Japanese television program Koko ga Hen da Nihonjin. Foreigners from all over the world discuss current issues in Japanese society. Currently, he hosts "Unbelievable", which was renewed in 2001, and the weekly TV program "Beat Takeshi's TV Tackle". TV Tackle is a kind of panel his discussion among entertainers and politicians about controversial current affairs. Another program of his is Sekai Marumie TV. (“The World Exposed”) is a weekly collection of various interesting video clips from around the world, often focusing on the quirky side of other countries. In this show, he plays a child-like idiot, insults guests, and usually appears in strange costumes during the show.

Kitano played a similarly named character in the controversial 2000 Japanese blockbuster Battle Royale. This battle royale takes place in the future where a group of teenagers are randomly selected to eliminate each other on a deserted island.

His 2000 film Brother was intentionally meant to be a hit abroad. Filmed in Los Angeles, it starred Kitano as an outcast and exiled Tokyo yakuza who sets up a drug empire in Los Angeles with the help of a local gangster played by Omar Epps. was dull. In Japan, it was financially superior to Hanabi. It was loosely based on a Bunraku play.

Following the disappointing reaction to the films Brothers and Dolls, Kitano received a string of sympathetic reviews from the US press. However, in Europe and Asia the criticism was less severe. The 2003 Zatoichi, directed by and starring Kitano, silenced many of these opponents. Record revenue, limited release worldwide, and won countless national and international awards. Venice International Film Festival Silver Lion Award. Kitano reveals that because he was approached by others to make the film, he followed a common filmmaking process to please them and make a purely entertaining film, unlike his own technique. made it

From April 2005 to 2008, he was a lecturer at the Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts.

Kitano's film, Takeshi, was released in Japan in November 2005 as the first installment in a surrealist autobiographical series. This was followed in 2007 by the release of his second Surrealist autobiographical film, Glory to the Filmmaker!. (appearing as Beat Takeshi), and a third titled Achilles and the Turtle in 2008. In between these films, Kitano starred in many other television and smaller projects. In 2007, he appeared in the TV mini-series "Dots and Lines" as Jutaro Torikai. Also, in 2007, he played the role of Beat Takeshi in "Sogo no Cinema" ("Rencontre Unique" corner), and appeared as a projectionist in the TV movie "Akiko Wada Murder Case". In 2008, he narrated in The Monster X Strikes Back: Attacking the G8 Summit for Take-Majin, a heroic monster based on Kitano.

In 2010, the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris hosted a solo exhibition of his paintings and installations. In a basement room, his work as a TV presenter was played on loop for 12 hours.

Kitano's 2010 film Outrage was screened at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival. He admitted that he tried to do something different with Outrage by watching and having a documentary-like feel of nature. A sequel, his 2012 Outrage Beyond, screened in competition at the 69th Venice International Film Festival. In 2012, he also appeared in the movie Dearest directed by Yasuo Furuhata. In September 2012, Takeshi Kitano said that the producer hoped to make a third Outrage film, depending on how well it did at the box office.On March 7, 2013, Hong Kong's Minkei News reported that Kitano would At the 7th Asian Film Awards held in Hong Kong, it was reported that "Outrage Beyond" won the Best Director Award.

On August 10, 2013, in an interview reported by John Bleasdale, Kitano revealed his current plans for a sequel to Outrage Beyond and an untitled personal film project. Kitano said, "Ideally, 'Outrage Beyond' would be a big hit, and he would make one movie that my producer really wanted to do, and then allow him to come back for the sequel after making that movie. It's going to be a huge hit," he said. I really want to "[citation needed]

In September 2015, Kitano appeared on Sega's video game Yakuza 6: The Song of Life. is shown.

Takeshi co-starred in the live-action adaptation of the manga Ghost in the Shell, returning to American cinema nearly 20 years after Johnny Mnemonic in 1995. Although he has expressed his dislike of anime and manga in the past, He accepted the role because, "It's a stylish piece of entertainment that's completely different from the movies I've directed, but Aramaki, who I play, is a character with a unique atmosphere, and it's interesting that it's set for each episode." Because I thought," I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of movie it will be in the core of the characters' relationships."

In 2017, Kitano released the third and final installment of the successful Outrage series titled Outrage Coda.